Sunday, October 27, 2013


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

When it comes to earning, saving and growing money, many people think of factors such as hard work, assets, investment, e.t.c, but forget attitude. Well, in my thinking, attitude controls almost everything we do; it determines whether we do it well or poorly. If your attitude is wrong, you will most probably not succeed at anything.

What’s your attitude towards manual work? Some people have failed to succeed because they underestimate certain kinds of work that require physical energy. You want to grow wealthy, don’t fear sweat.

What’s your attitude towards the wealth? Some people think money is evil and so they don’t put in enough efforts to attract it. Others consider it too good that they almost worship it as a god. For some people, every rich person they see around is either corrupt or a thief, a killer or a devil-worshipper. If you have such a faulty attitude, you cannot be motivated enough to work hard and get rich.

What’s your attitude towards saving? Are you willing to make sacrifices and postpone gratification so as to save and invest for the future? There are people who foolishly break their financial muscle by shopping from expensive places and spend all they have other than be seen buying cheap items.

What’s your attitude towards learning? Some people believe they completed education the moment they stepped out of school. How mistaken they are! Many of such people have had their potential locked by their deliberate refusal to open their minds to new ideas. Wealth results from ideas and so if our minds cannot generate new ideas, we should forget about becoming wealthy. The same old recycled traditional ideas can no longer work in the 21st century.

What’s your attitude towards people? People are part of the units of the chain that links us to our destiny, not a ladder to step on as we climb towards our destiny. A chain is something you can hold onto while a ladder is something you step on. If you’ve been stepping on people’s egos in the process of making money, think twice. You might not enjoy your wealth when you have people around cursing instead of celebrating with you.

What’s your attitude towards challenges? Many people will always look for someone else to blame for their problems instead of taking responsibility to deal with them. Well, my seven years in business have helped me discover that business is about solving problems. If you can solve a problem that society has, you have a reason to charge money. In simple terms, challenges are a business opportunity. If you develop a problem-solving attitude, then you have a sure source of money because you will not only solve your own problems, but the problems of others as well.

Allow me introduce to you two people who have seriously impacted Africa by discovering how to solve problems and are now on their way to becoming billionaires. We shall have an opportunity to listen to them at the coming AUTHORS’ FORUM – THE GATHERING OF 400 SUCCESS MINDS, dabbed ‘LEADING FROM YOUR STRENGTHS’, which will be happening in Kampala, on Wednesday 6th November, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, at the National Theatre.

On that day, the first guest is IAN ORTEGA, a 21-year old enterpreneur who has broken records and is shaking the East African markets using his E-marketing skills. He is the brain behind, Uganda’s most visited website. He is an author of 2 e-books ‘GROWING YOURSELF TO MONEY, TIME AND, FREEDOM’ and ‘THE VIRGIN OF ONLINE BUSINESS’, and his ‘Ortega Group of Companies’ now co-owns BigEye Group, the Joashian Group and the Frian Group. In a live Celeb Interview moderated by SIMON KASYATE, Ortega will challenge us to identify one area where we are good and use it to solve other people’s problems and it becomes a business. "Entrepreneurship is that point where passion and profit intersect…I get paid for being me,” remarks Ortega.

There will be many more exciting and inspiring activities before the event climaxes with an electrifying presentation from ANTHONY GITONGA, a celebrating Kenyan business consultant, certified leadership coach and bestselling author, of books like ‘MADE FOR GREATNESS’, ‘FOUR LEVELS OF LEARNING’ and ‘PATHWAY TO PURPOSE’ (NB: All his 5 books will be on sale at a discount on that day). Anthony’s research indicates that many Africans spend much time trying to fix weaknesses, forgetting all about their strengths, yet nobody has ever reached greatness by only fixing their weaknesses, but rather by tapping into their strengths. His presentation will give us the key to unlock our strengths and begin leading in our various areas of competence.

This event is open to the public as long as one has secured an entry ticket, which goes for 20,000 UGX only. We have limited space, only 400 seats, and more than ¾ have already been booked. So if you want to be part of this historical event, call us on 0700487768 / 0774107287 / 0414691595 and your ticket will be delivered to you NOW at no extra cost. Alternatively, you can come and buy your ticket at WORLD OF INSPIRATION (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33); we are always open from 9am to 9pm, Monday to Saturday.

Don’t forget to forward this invitation to all the people you care about because this might be their long-awaited turning point for which you will take credit.

So colleagues, let’s meet there and get inspired.

Making Excellence my Habit!


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

When it comes to earning, saving and growing money, many people think of factors such as hard work, assets, investment, e.t.c, but forget attitude. Well, in my thinking, attitude controls almost everything we do; it determines whether we do it well or poorly. If your attitude is wrong, you will most probably not succeed at anything.

What’s your attitude towards manual work? Some people have failed to succeed because they underestimate certain kinds of work that require physical energy. You want to grow wealthy, don’t fear sweat.

What’s your attitude towards the wealth? Some people think money is evil and so they don’t put in enough efforts to attract it. Others consider it too good that they almost worship it as a god. For some people, every rich person they see around is either corrupt or a thief, a killer or a devil-worshipper. If you have such a faulty attitude, you cannot be motivated enough to work hard and get rich.

What’s your attitude towards saving? Are you willing to make sacrifices and postpone gratification so as to save and invest for the future? There are people who foolishly break their financial muscle by shopping from expensive places and spend all they have other than be seen buying cheap items.

What’s your attitude towards learning? Some people believe they completed education the moment they stepped out of school. How mistaken they are! Many of such people have had their potential locked by their deliberate refusal to open their minds to new ideas. Wealth results from ideas and so if our minds cannot generate new ideas, we should forget about becoming wealthy. The same old recycled traditional ideas can no longer work in the 21st century.

What’s your attitude towards people? People are part of the units of the chain that links us to our destiny, not a ladder to step on as we climb towards our destiny. A chain is something you can hold onto while a ladder is something you step on. If you’ve been stepping on people’s egos in the process of making money, think twice. You might not enjoy your wealth when you have people around cursing instead of celebrating with you.

What’s your attitude towards challenges? Many people will always look for someone else to blame for their problems instead of taking responsibility to deal with them. Well, my seven years in business have helped me discover that business is about solving problems. If you can solve a problem that society has, you have a reason to charge money. In simple terms, challenges are a business opportunity. If you develop a problem-solving attitude, then you have a sure source of money because you will not only solve your own problems, but the problems of others as well.

Allow me introduce to you two people who have seriously impacted Africa by discovering how to solve problems and are now on their way to becoming billionaires. We shall have an opportunity to listen to them at the coming AUTHORS’ FORUM – THE GATHERING OF 400 SUCCESS MINDS, dabbed ‘LEADING FROM YOUR STRENGTHS’, which will be happening in Kampala, on Wednesday 6th November, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, at the National Theatre.

On that day, the first guest is IAN ORTEGA, a 21-year old enterpreneur who has broken records and is shaking the East African markets using his E-marketing skills. He is the brain behind, Uganda’s most visited website. He is an author of 2 e-books ‘GROWING YOURSELF TO MONEY, TIME AND, FREEDOM’ and ‘THE VIRGIN OF ONLINE BUSINESS’, and his ‘Ortega Group of Companies’ now co-owns BigEye Group, the Joashian Group and the Frian Group. In a live Celeb Interview moderated by SIMON KASYATE, Ortega will challenge us to identify one area where we are good and use it to solve other people’s problems and it becomes a business. "Entrepreneurship is that point where passion and profit intersect…I get paid for being me,” remarks Ortega.

There will be many more exciting and inspiring activities before the event climaxes with an electrifying presentation from ANTHONY GITONGA, a celebrating Kenyan business consultant, certified leadership coach and bestselling author, of books like ‘MADE FOR GREATNESS’, ‘FOUR LEVELS OF LEARNING’ and ‘PATHWAY TO PURPOSE’ (NB: All his 5 books will be on sale at a discount on that day). Anthony’s research indicates that many Africans spend much time trying to fix weaknesses, forgetting all about their strengths, yet nobody has ever reached greatness by only fixing their weaknesses, but rather by tapping into their strengths. His presentation will give us the key to unlock our strengths and begin leading in our various areas of competence.

This event is open to the public as long as one has secured an entry ticket, which goes for 20,000 UGX only. We have limited space, only 400 seats, and more than ¾ have already been booked. So if you want to be part of this historical event, call us on 0700487768 / 0774107287 / 0414691595 and your ticket will be delivered to you NOW at no extra cost. Alternatively, you can come and buy your ticket at WORLD OF INSPIRATION (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33); we are always open from 9am to 9pm, Monday to Saturday.

Don’t forget to forward this invitation to all the people you care about because this might be their long-awaited turning point for which you will take credit.

So colleagues, let’s meet there and get inspired.

Making Excellence my Habit!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Robert Bake Tumuhaise

Earlier this week I celebrated my birthday. Normally I’m not the kind that puts a lot of thought and time into such days, but this time round I choose to do it in style because it hit me that I was making 33 years, which is the age at which Jesus saved the whole world.

Jesus’ example reminded me us that we do not necessarily need so much time to accomplish great things in this world. If in 33 years he was able to start a revolution that would change the face of the earth as we can still see more than 200 years later, why would I have to wait till retirement before I can do great things? For me it’s either now or never; I don’t know about you.

I recall how a certain friend tried to discourage me from pursuing a writing career at 25 because he thought I was too young to write what would sell. Well, I disobeyed his advice and started publishing my works. Recently when we met, we discovered that I have been able to earn from one decade of writing more than he has earned from his 2 decades of employment. No one should ever underestimate you based on your age. A serious child in primary school can do what an unserious PhD-holder has failed to do.

This same idea applies in the realm of finances as well. Age should not be a limitation when it comes to earning money because no one can be too young or too old to get rich. At any age, once someone applies the right principles of earning, saving and growing money, they will get rich.

We all know that no one can get rich without earning. So the first step to wealth creation is to try and earn as much as we can. You could be the youngest employee yet be the highest paid if you refine your skills and prove that you are more valuable than other employees in your organization. If you are in business, you can increase your income by doing better market research, improving the quality of your products, offering better customer care, employing better marketing strategies and so on. All this has nothing to do with age.

If you want to grow in wealth, after earning, the next step is saving that money so that it is not lost. And saving can be done by anyone, irrespective of their age. Even a child can save. In fact if you give your child money to go and buy two cakes and he/she doesn’t choose to buy one and save the balance begin from that point to teach him/her the importance of saving because if you don’t, know that even in future when as an adult he/she earns millions he/she might still not have enough courage to save.

And after saving, we should remember not to keep the money under our pillows but rather to invest it so that it can multiply. Just like sowing where one has to sacrifice seed and put it into the soil to die, investment also involves postponing and sometimes totally sacrificing some gratification for a future harvest. You cannot eat your seeds and expect a harvest. Likewise you cannot spend all your money and expect to become rich. It has to be planted into fertile soils of investments.

Finally, my birthday reminded me that I am not on this planet for eternity and so I should avoid pushing to tomorrow what I can do today. Jesus did not wait to first become 50 years old to start his mission. I laugh at people who wait to first retire at 60 before they can begin pursuing their passions and purpose in life.

I am very pleased to introduce to you a 21-year old Ugandan enterpreneur who has broken records by thrusting himself into the world of business and positioning himself as a business leader. Despite his age and also being a student, IAN ORTEGA, has gone ahead to create his own business empire using his strong networking and E-marketing skills. He networks with the shows and whos in this country – the likes of Sudhir, Bitature, Andrew Mwenda, and so on. What brings him on the same table with them is because he has discovered his strong points and knows how maximize them.

At a recent event that I co-facilitated with Ian at Makerere University, he made this remarkable statement: "Entrepreneurship is that point where passion and profit intersect. If you do what you don't like for money, then you've gotten yourself a headache; if you do what you like but it gives you no money, then you've gotten yourself a hobby, not a business. People pay me to send emails. People pay me to search the internet. People pay me to write. Basically, I get paid for being me..." At the next AUTHORS’ FORUM themed ‘LEADING FROM YOUR STRENGTH’, Ian will feature in the Celeb Interview and will challenge and inspire us to utilize our strengths and become leaders NOW.

To crown it all we shall have a celebrated Kenyan leadership coach, business consultant and bestselling author, ANTHONY GITONGA, making an inspirational presentation based on the day’s theme. Do you spend your waking moments trying to fix your weaknesses, forgeting all about your strengths? Anthony is going to tell you why nobody ever reached greatness by fixing weaknesses. We have to look for our strengths and maximize them.

Anthony has travelled all over Africa empowering leaders and in fact he was here recently inspiring CEOs at the Serena. I have personally interacted with him and read 2 of his books, ‘MADE FOR GREATNESS’ and ‘FOR THIS CAUSE’ and I must say it is a very rare opportunity to have an evening with such a transformational man.

The event we are talking about is the AUTHORS’ FORUM, THE GATHERING OF 400 SUCCESS MINDS, which will be happening at the National Theatre on Wednesday 6th Nov, starting 5:30pm. Tickets are being sold at 20,000 UGX and we just have a few left. To secure your ticket, the numbers to call are 0774107287 / 0414691595. And for those who come to WORLD OF INSPIRATION (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33) today, you can buy 2 tickets and get the 3rd

Embrace the fact that if you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be good at anything. Discover your strengths and use them to achieve your desired success.

Making Excellence my Habit!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

There are so many beliefs that people have in their minds surrounding money. One of them is that to earn big you have to migrate and go to another place. There is some truth because when you are in place where people do not know you, you can do anything for money, including the jobs that others underlook. But then, many people who keep looking for ‘greener pastures’ far away end up missing the ‘pastures’ around them.

Have you ever wondered why in Africa polygamy is common among men but rare amongst women? I believe it’s because men are visually stimulated more than women and so our minds keep deceiving us that there is something better elsewhere than what we are finding in our wives. Thus, many men get tempted to explore the ‘outside world’ for love, only to end in frustration.

This mindset of wanting to try the outside world is worse in the territory of work and the search for financial freedom. There are so many Africans who believe they cannot become rich from their countries, and so, for years, they’ve been struggling to leave for better jobs abroad. They have already made up their minds – they are going to die poor unless they leave the country.

"Bake, for the last 10 years I’ve been chasing a UK Visa in vain. I have prayed and fasted but God has forsaken me,” one of my friends lamented. Instead of asking God to give him wisdom to see opportunities around him, he was busy cursing him for denying him the opportunity to travel to his dreamland. What a crippling mindset!

I’ve met many friends who have been denied visas to the Western countries walking as if the whole world has collapsed over their heads. Despite the existence of so many opportunities in their country, their eyes are so blurred by that wrong thinking that those opportunities keep passing them by unnoticed. They have no time to focus on the resources they have within and around them that can be utilized to earn big money.

But how many of the rich people in this country really got their money from abroad? Isn’t it funny how Ugandans are struggling to leave a country that foreigners are struggling to enter? While we dream of going to Asia to make money, hundreds of Asians are entering East Africa and are prospering. And how many Ugandans have returned from America or the UK without even enough dime for their ticket back? Some have even found themselves doing prostitution and other odd jobs that slash their dignity to pieces.

It’s sad that some of our people have postponed living and are languishing in self-created limbo, waiting to start enjoying life when their dream of going to other places with better opportunities comes true. Truth be told; a success-minded person will always succeed from anywhere, including Uganda. Someone with a prosperity mindset will create wealth from anywhere and any situation while one with a poverty mindset cannot make big money no matter where they go.

I remember reading about a man who was once a millionaire in America. All his factories were destroyed during war and he fled to another country as a refugee. But within two years he was a millionaire again! His wealth was in his mind, not in any place. If you do the right thing, wherever you are, success will always find you there. I have no doubt that I am going to become a millionaire and a billionaire without leaving my country.

For those of you, who like me, are determined to prosper in Uganda, I want to recommend 4 things:

1.    First is that you buy the DVD entitled ‘UNVEILING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN UGADA’ which we covered at the last AUTHORS’ FORUM. There is no one that has ever explained to me the opportunities we have for making money in Uganda better than the guests we hosted on that day, Stephen Asiimwe (Managing Director, East African Business Week) and Dr. Gudula Basaza (Chairperson, Uganda Women Enterpreneurs Association). A copy of the DVD costs 15,000 UGX, including delivery for those in Kampala. All you need to do is call Winnie on 0774107287 or Leah on 0700487768.

2.    The second thing is that you get hold of my unique inspirational novel entitled ‘TEARS OF MY MOTHER; The Success Story of Nyamishana, the First Female President of Uganda’. This book that has been described both locally and internationally as unputdownable will inspire you to be the kind of person who sees opportunities anywhere and in anything. It will make you unstoppable in your search for your greatest greatness. A copy goes for 20,000 UGX. Again call the numbers above to order your copy.

3.    The third thing is for you to call the same numbers and buy your ticket to the 6th Nov AUTHORS’ FORUM at 20,000 UGX where we shall host in the celeb interview a 22-year old student Ian Ortega who is now owning a group of companies and is employing CEOs. Ortega has challenged me and I know he will challenge you too. The day will be crowned with an electrifying talk by Antony Gitonga, a top Kenyan business consultant, life coach and bestselling author of books like ‘MADE FOR GREATNESS’, who has spoken to and made CEOs all over Africa. The event will happen at the National Theatre starting 5:30pm.

4.    The forth and last thing is for you to forward this message to all your friends, enemies, relatives, colleagues, neighbors and everyone whose contact you have. This may give them something to forever thank you for.

Stay inspired and blessed.