Uganda has been ranked as the number one enterprising country in the world, but you and I know that many businesses started don’t see their first birthday. Why? When I was joining business, people advised me that to succeed I should: 1. Offer good customer care 2. Package my products well 3. Do good market research 3. Create solutions 4. Build a great team 6. Persevere 7. Follow my passion… (the list goes on). I was told mostly about what I should do. Unfortunately no one told me what not to do. For instance, I did not know that by spending without a budget I could end up eating my capital. I was never told that some businesses can fail because of trying to grow at a faster rate than normal (I now know at least 4 Ugandan businesses that were ruined by the excitement of success).
I want to know why certain businesses have succeeded, but I also want to know why some businesses have failed. My latest discovery is that there are at least 5 characteristics of businesses that have failed and of course those that are on their way to failure (I will be sharing that insight). For this reason, WORLD OF INSPIRATION has organized a special evening where a panel of experts will lead us in a mind-provoking discussion on the REASONS WHY BUSINESSES FAIL. There will be emphasis on areas such as bank services, recruiting staff, dealing with taxes, branding, customer relationship management, advertising without spending and so on.
The panelists include Diamond Trust Bank’s Head of Branches as well as a reknowned entrepreneur. We have also invited many other entrepreneurs and investors who have had experience in both success and failure to share with us their experiences. You can’t afford to miss. All this will be happening at the AUTHORS’ FORUM on Wednesday 4th May, 6-9pm, at Hotel Africana. This forum is an open platform for every Ugandan who wants to grow in creativity and entrepreneurship. All you need is an entry ticket which you can get in advance at UGX 40,000 by calling Robert Bake on 0704666851 / 0779911844 or by Visiting WORLD OF INSPIRATION office (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33). Note that subscribed members enter freely (so if you have your membership card, you don’t need a ticket).
Share this invitation with all your networks via email, social media, word of mouth etc. Miss this life-changing event only if you are sure you will be using the evening of next Wednesday for something better. Henry Ford, the inventor of the modern car, once said: “It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.” Don’t waste the evening of 4th May. Invest it in yourself by attending this life-transforming event. You will thank me later.
Stay blessed and inspired!