Sunday, October 2, 2011


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

The success tip I am going to share today will help you achieve a lot without putting in a lot. It’s called ‘Leverage’. The concept comes from the word ‘lever’, a tool that lessens weight. For instance if you are lifting something and you use a stick or a pulley, the weight will seem less. Even at work and in business you can apply this principle of leverage.

Leverage means using too little to achieve too much. Using minimum efforts, time and other resources to produce maximum results. For example as a writer, even if I went for a holiday for one month my books would still sell, even without my presence. That’s leverage. But imagine a company employee or a driver being absent for a whole month!

When you use a computer to do in one hour what you would have done in a whole day, that’s leverage. When you employ people to work for you and you take the profits, it’s leverage. When you offer good customer care and your customers begin marketing your business and bringing you more customers, it’s leverage. When you use facebook or any other technological tool to reach to so many people in a very short time, that’s leverage.

Could it be that you are not maximizing your potential at work because you have not yet learnt how to apply this powerful concept? Well, space can’t let me say more. But I promise I will share deeper thought about this in one of my upcoming books “Dreams Come True”. In the meantime, I will remind you that the Authors’ Forum is on this Wednesday, 5th Oct, 5pm at the National Theatre as usual.

In this episode, PK the man, Mr. Inspiration himself, will give you tips on how to boost your performance at work. In simple terms, what he will be sharing will empower you to use the principle of leverage in whatever you do. Among all the Ugandans I have encountered, I feel he is the best to address this subject. There will also be great entertainment from a famous African live band – Joy Africa. You just can’t afford to mess by missing!

Entrance is only 15,000/=. Tickets are sold in advance. To secure yours or to get more details about the event, come to World of Inspiration office (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33) or call 0414691595 / 0704666851 / 0718406080 / 0774107287. We deliver your ticket wherever you are. Stay inspired!

Making Excellence your Habit!

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