Monday, March 30, 2015


Today, more than ever, technology has become a powerful business tool. In our context, we are not really talking about space ships but on simple tools such as social media (facebook, Twitter, WhatsAp), phones, tabs, computers, software, the internet, e.t.c. If you don’t learn how to maximize value from such tools to increase your presence, influence, efficiency and income, be sure to be left behind.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me invite you to AN EVENING WITH PROF. VINCESIUS BARYAMUREEBA whom we shall be hosting at the AUTHORS’ FORUM – the gathering of 500 business minds – this Wednesday 1st April, 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Prof. Barya, as he is commonly referred to, will share with us his record-breaking journey to the top and also help us appreciate how we can use technology to tap opportunities, create jobs, boost our income, build businesses that last and change this country.

From a humble background Prof. Barya has metamorphosed himself up to the level of a global icon as a scientist, leader and society-changer. When you talk about creativity and innovation you are talking about this man who has headed two powerful universities – Makerere and UTAMI (which he currently heads as Vice Chancellor).

To be part be part of this gathering, secure your ticket from WORLD OF INSPIRATION (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33) at UGX 40,000. You can also call 0704666851 or 0774107287 (we find you right where you are and delivery is free). Today we are giving a discount of UGX 10,000 per ticket and adding you a free copy of WI-Magazine – the pioneer inspirational magazine in Uganda.

Prof. Barya is the Chairperson of COMESA’s Innovation Council; Chairperson of Uganda Vice Chancellors Forum; Chairperson of Makerere University Business School Council; Chairperson of Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board; a member of Senate for both Mbarara University of Science and Technology and Busitema University, and a member of the Presidential Investors Round Table – a business advisory council to the President of the Republic of Uganda, to mention just a few of his responsibilities.

Prof. Barya is a recipient of several awards, which include: a lifetime achievement award by the African Society for ICT (ASICT) in recognition of his immense contribution to the African continent in the ICT sector in the areas of research and education (2014); a Golden Jubilee Medal, the highest civilian medal of the Republic of Uganda handed over to him by HE the President of the Republic of Uganda (2013); Amity Global Academic Excellence Award (2012); an Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education at the Africa-India Partnership Summit Le Matinal Educational Excellence Awards 2011 held in Mauritius; and TWAS-ROSSA Prize for Building Scientific Institutions for the African Region (2009).

Ladies and gentlemen, in August 2009, the man we are talking about won the award of ‘Most Influential ICT Personality in Uganda’ at an awards ceremony organized by ICT Creative Ltd. But can I say it all? Well, come listen to the man himself inspiring us to greatness this Wednesday. Forward this invitation to as many people as you can.

Till then, stay inspired and blessed!

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