Monday, November 2, 2015


Whenever you see anyone committed to persistently pursuing his/her dream, know that there’s someone who inspired him/her. In my case, I joined business determined to win. But it was not just out of my own natural wisdom; there are powerful men and women who inspired me not only to join business, but to stay there and to never look back. I’ve always told you about Twesiime Valence (RIP), a young man who believed in me, at a time when my highest dream was reaching S3, becoming stubborn, being expelled from school and marrying at the age of 16 – like any other villager. But this man changed my thinking, and made me begin to believe in the possibility of me having a greater in life than I thought.

The second person I have always written about is my mentor Dr Patrick Bitature, the man who shook me out of my comfort zone and literally pushed me to start a company at the age of 26. Well, today, I will tell you about another man who significantly contributed to fueling my dream to join and grow in business. And that’s PROF. PETER KASENENE, a man who has defied common academic trends and propelled himself high in the world of business and investment. I first met Prof. Kasenene while I was at the university. I ‘met’ him in his small book ‘You Can’. Then I looked for all other booklets he had written and devoured the content therein like a starved lion. Eventually, I physically meet him.

As I read his books and listened to him, one powerful concept sunk into the deepest parts of my life – DEPROGRAMING AND REPROGRAMING OF THE MIND. Prof. Kasenene argues that a human being is like a computer. When you feed it with meaningless data, its monitor displays the same useless things. If you feed it with accurate and useful data, that’s what it will display. If you have a good computer and don’t have the needed software eg Ms Word, Internet Browsers, e.t.c, the computer will not do what you bought it to do. If you allow viruses (negative programs) to install themselves on your computer, they will disorganize your computer, slow you down and possibly crash the operating system.

You can apply this to a human being and you will see the need to deprogram and reprogram our minds and remove all negative programs that were put by negative experiences, sad memories, lies, e.t.c and replace them with positive programs. For instance, if on my mind there’s a program that runs ‘I can’t’ whenever a task comes up, I should uninstall it and replace it with one that says ‘I can”. Well, this was the last nail I needed to be hit into my head for me to jump into the world of business. So 3 years after university, I launched WORLD OF INSPIRATION. And like they say, the rest is history.

Prof. Kasenene does not just speak with mere words, but also with his actions and achievements. This is a man who has hundreds of acres of trees that are worth billions of shillings. He also owns gardens and an exotic hotel (Olive) in Bugolobi. This is proof that his approach works. And so, I am excited to invite you to a mega inspirational event where we shall host him alongside CHARLES ORWOTHWUN from Uganda Development Bank to lead us in a thought-provoking discussion on the topic USING BORROWED MONEY IN BUSINESS. This will be happening tomorrow Wednesday 4th November, 6-9pm, during the AUTHORS’ FORUM organized by WORLD OF INSPIRATION, at THE HUB (OASIS MALL). We have hosted Prof. Kasenene at the Authors’ Forum before and he left a landmark in the minds of all who listened to him.

The event will also feature H. E. PROF. BONEY M. KATATUMBA, a man whose success story is simply phenomenal. Katatumba joined business at the age of 7, starting with selling banana juice on the roadside; while in secondary he won a contract to manage a students’ hostel alongside other facilities that employed 60 staff; at the university, he started a chain of car-washing businesses that employed 50 people; then he started a construction firm that made him a USD millionaire at the age of 28. He bought 6 properties in England and became the first private individual in East Africa to buy an aeroplane – not just one but a fleet of aircrafts! In other news, he also defeated prostate cancer. He has put his entire story into a book titled ‘SUCCESS IS GUARANTEED’ and we shall launch it. Published by WORLD OF INSPIRATION, a copy of this book goes for only UGX 20,000.

This AUTHORS’ FORUM is open to the public. All you need to do is contact Winnie (0700714369) or Andrew (0782531195) and your ticket(s) will be delivered, each going for only UGX 40,000. You can also find us at our office – Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33. NB: Authors’ Forum subscribed members attend freely.

Stay blessed and inspired.


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