Wednesday, October 29, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

Recently we had a very interesting debate on my Facebook page. It was on career choices. One of the comments that touched me was from Diane. She said: “I am no longer a banker. I resigned after I discovered that my hair-dresser earned twice my salary despite the fact that I had a masters degree, worked harder and got more stressed. I am now a tailor!”

I followed up Diane to get more details surrounding her career change. Her answers were so interesting that I asked her for permission to share them with my fans on facebook readers and she agreed.

She told me she always tried to put in more time and effort than her colleagues, but she was never promoted or given a salary increment. Later, she discovered that she did not merely have to work hard, but rather smart. So jumping into the world of self-employment was a way of creating a new challenge where she could work smart and taste the fruits.

I asked her if she did not fear the risks involved in self-employment where one is not assured of a salary. Her answer was that it was more risky being in that job where she was not saving anything and yet could be fired anytime. According to her, to fear risks is to fear success since no TESTIMONY can come without a TEST. Now she earns thrice her former salary.

Diane had always had ideas to do with fashion design but she had always brushed them off her mind (you know how our education system can stamp it on our minds that we can only earn from white collar jobs). Well, she took a bold step and launched her idea.

Opportunities are like taxis; there are times when they come one after the other but there are times when they get scarce and you have to walk around looking for one. Today, take a step and look for opportunities; don't stand at the stage and wait for them to come and find you.

For those who really want to widen their opportunities to prosper, come participate in the live debate dabbed ‘TURNING IDEAS INTO MONEY’ at the Authors’ Forum next Wednesday 5th November, starting 5:30p at the National Theatre. I believe this debate is going to greatly impact your life, especially in as far as business development, sales and battling competition are concerned. It has been tailored to provoke your imagination and make you see how to milk money from all your ideas.

The panel will include: James Abola, author of the bestselling book: "MAKE SENSE OF YOUR MONEY"; Joel Bellenson, a scientist who has ever earned 400 million dollars from one single idea, Ortega Ian a 22 year old entrepreneur whose website has won multiple awards for being the best and most entertaining website in Uganda; and Robert Bake Tumuhaise, Managing Director of WORLD OF INSPIRATION. You will also be given time to share your idea or ask a question and get feedback from the panel and the audience.

The entrance fee is Shs 40,000 and it comes with a free inspirational book/DVD. Call me today on 0712868424 / 0704666851 / 0774107287 and secure your ticket while stock lasts.

You were born a winner by default; don’t live a failure by choice.

BAKE is the Managing Director of WORLD OF INSPIRATION. To read more of his ideas, watch out for his column, ‘MR INSPIRATION’, in WI-Magazine.

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