Thursday, April 30, 2015


Isn't it embarrassing that many of us reach the age of retirement before discovering what exactly we want to do or become? I have met people who tell me "I am planning to start a big business..." or "I am planning to do farming" but 15 years later they are still "planning to do it...". Planning without action is as useless as not planning at all.

Inspired friends, WORLD OF INSPIRATION is organizing a life-metamorphosing a self-discovery course called ACTION PLANNING that has changed so many lives, especially those that are at a point where they have to make tough decisions in their careers, business, investments, finances and so on. It is a fundamental course that builds a firm foundation for the life of an individual or organization

Through this course, you will get to understand the concepts of mission, vision, goals and objectives and how they relate to your daily life, work and dreams. You will be able to discover your purpose in life and the steps you must take to realise it. The activities in the course will open your mind to discover your talents & passions and how to utilize them in your work/business to achieve your life’s vision. You will also identify the key habits and skills you need to fully realize that purpose and how to develop them. This course will empower you to choose which projects, businesses or jobs suit your calling and how to align your daily thoughts, decisions and actions with that calling. By attending this course, you will be equipped to live a life that matters. You will learn how to make a daily action plan that will guide you into achieving your daily objectives and also to overcome procrastination.

The entire course is covered in six weekly 3-hour sessions that are flexibly arranged at the convenience of the participants. For this upcoming intake, the weekday intake will be starting on Thursday 7th May, 5:30-8:30pm, while the weekend intake will kick off on and Saturday 9th May 2015, 2pm to 5pm, at Grand Imperial Hotel, Kampala.

The course fee (also covering the training materials and a certificate) is 500,000 UGX starting next month). However, as usual, all Authors’ Forum subscribed members pay only half (250,000 UGX) just like it is for our other courses. Attendance is only by booking. Call Bake Robert (Managing Director – 0704666851 / 0712868424) to book. Booking is by paying for the course.

Stay blessed and inspired!

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