Thursday, April 30, 2015


Many people ask me, “Bake, what keeps you focused on your dreams, despite the challenges you encounter everyday.” I think, for me, it’s the power of imagination. When I picture myself a billionaire in dollars and see 20 million lives directly changed because of my business, that vision wakes me up very early and keeps me awake till late. That's why it has been said that success is the journey to greatness not really the destination.

Imagining and feeling what you are dreaming of as if you already have it triggers unbelievable intellectual and emotional energy that will make you go to unimaginable extents to make your dream come true. Imagine a life when you have what you have ever desired. You want to become a great farmer, see yourself with hundreds of trucks carrying your products, taking them to the store to prepare for export. You want to become a great artist, see thousands of people almost stampeding to buy tickets to your show. You want to become a real estate mogul, see the Sudhirs and Bitature's calling you to sell to you big properties in the city...

If you can conceive it, you can receive and achieve it. No wonder Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist that ever lived, said that imagination is more important than knowledge. When I see the numerous obstacles I cross or crush everyday because of my dream, I feel the kind of satisfaction that cannot come from anything else. Well, for those of you who, like me, wish to expand your realm of possibilities, today WORLD OF INSPIRATION wants to give you 2 free inspirational books that will inspire you to do all it takes to turn your dream into a reality.

First is the book NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH by Hellen Katusiime, a lady who was diagnosed with diabetes and high cholesterol in addition to obesity (at 92kgs). She was sentenced to a life of daily tablets and she started on them. But along the way, after discovering that the medication had some unbearable si
de effects, she dumped the drugs and resorted to exercise and healthy feeding. With her unstoppable hope, she eventually slapped those ailments. This book has been published when she’s healthy – with normal levels of cholesterol, sugar and weight (73kgs). Second is THE HAND OF HOPE, a book written by Doreen Kamukama, a lady who went through the trauma of 4 miscarriages. She endured all sorts of attacks from society that almost crushed her marriage and hope. But how she kept moving in hope until finally God gave her children is why you need to read this book. These two testimonies will inspire you to go through anything, I say ANYTHING as you fight for your dream.

Today, we are giving these two books freely to anyone who buys 2 tickets to next week’s Authors’ Forum where we shall have a live debate on PREPARING FOR ENJOYABLE RETIREMENT featuring DR GUDULA BASAZA (Chairperson Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association), JAYNE NAKATO (the tycoon behind KinderKare, a chain of international schools) and FAGIL MANDY a celebrated education consultant whose book on retirement we shall launch during the event. Call Bake (0704666851) or Winnie (0774107287)  to buy your 2 tickets (at 80,000/=) and get these 2 books freely (delivery is free). NB: The offer is strictly for TODAY!

Stay blessed and inspired!

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