Monday, June 1, 2015


There are many Ugandans, able men and women, who are unemployed or tired of their boring jobs but are feeling helpless about their plight. Maybe Jane Werikhe's testimony is what they are waiting for to take matters in their hands and carve their own future. Jane, the lady you see in this picture is no ordinary woman. She has achieved what many Ugandans have only dreamt about. She was a teacher but kept longing to join business and become a millionaire. She had a dream but no money to start with. Well, where there's a will, there's always a way. Her husband had bought for her a car. She sold it at 8m, partnered with a technical person and started a wielding business that focuses on interior and exterior design. Located at Seguku, they now make fabulous metallic beds, chairs, dinning tables, curtain rods, decoration stands, flower holders, handbag holders, shoeracks, gates, balcony rallies e.t.c. Their creativity has tantalised celebs and the business community in Kampala and the surrounding areas. This lady is making big money. Her story has been profiled by major newspapers and now everyone is looking for her for inspiration. Well, Jane will be joining Robert Bake Tumuhaise, the MD - World of Inspiration as a panellists at the Authors' Forum this Wednesday 3rd June, 6-9pm. They will lead the audience into a mind-provoking debate on the topic ‪#‎PartnershipsInBusiness‬. Many of you have heard bits of the story of how Bake started World of Inspiration with 50k. Well, he will share how he has been applying the principle of Business Partnerships to market and sell his products as well as spread the brand faster. There's no single entrepreneur who can make it big without strategic partnerships. Well, it's a public holiday, so no excuse; come listen. The venue is ‪#‎TheHub‬ at Oasis Mall. Call 0704666851 or 0774107287 and secure your ticket at 40k or 2 tickets at 60k or 4 tickets at 90k. Bring your family to be inspired to excel at business. This is your moment; don't miss it don't mess it.

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