Tuesday, August 29, 2017

#Testimony – How Books Transformed Phillip from a Drug Addict to an Inspirational Giant

When we tell you that success is possible, there are life stories to prove it. Last week, BAITWA PHILLIP, one of my long-time social friends passed by WORLD OF INSPIRATION to check out our resource centre and get to see our reading space and the inspirational materials (books, magazines and videos) that we have. Apparently, he runs book reading clubs which I will tell you more about later. But first, let me tell you the testimony of how this young man’s life got transformed from a drug addict to an inspirational giant.

While in school, Phillip got involved with bad groups and was introduced to drugs and alcohol. He ended up becoming a drug addict and dropped out of school. In order to manage the situation, he was handed over to his uncle who is a soldier. Apparently, staying under the watch of a military man was thought to be handy in managing the worrying situation that was growing from bad to worse.

Finding himself locked inside his uncle’s home, Phillip decided to check everywhere in the house, specifically looking for money to steal so that the moment he gets an opportunity sneak out of the compound he would run away and go to find drugs. Instead of finding money, he found 2 books – RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki and MILLIONAIRE by Napoleon Hill.

Bored to the bone marrow, he started turning the pages of these books. He felt a lot of wisdom from what he was reading and so he read on, devouring all the words and chewing on them like a cow chews the cud. What followed was a great period of transformation that saw Phillip totally delivered from drugs, alcohol and everything related. In fact, that very day he started reading the books, he decided that he would never take drugs again and he never did. Who says deliverance is not possible?

Phillip went back to school, starting from ‘A’ Level. He went to UCU where he qualified as a lawyer. In the meantime, he kept reading every good book he found; his uncle was so instrumental in buying him more books. By the time he finished university, his level of engagement was already very brilliant. Along the way, he became a leader in various positions. At the university, he contested for Guild President and won. Today, he is a Human Resource Manager of a progressive coffee company in Uganda.

Given his background, he wished to help as many people as possible also benefit from reading like he did. He started mentoring young people, sharing with them the wisdom he was mining from books. One time, while in Kenya and was invited to a book fellowship. He was so surprised that an enthusiastic group of people was reading books as though it was a celebration. Remembering that it was reading that changed him, he decided that he must also mobilize Ugandans to read massively.

With mentorship from his friends who were running book fellowships in Kenya, he started book a reading club in Ugandan in March 2016. He mobilized 35 people and when the day came, only 4 (including him) turned up! But a focused person is never discouraged by initial low results. He pushed on. The second week, they became 5. They kept meeting at the Uganda Museum, once a month, to read for personal growth, national development and community development. The number kept increasing; by the end of 2016, they had reached 100. Today, membership is over 300 people.  

As 2017 started, they decided to split the club into smaller groups (35 of them) that are now spread across the country. Each group meets every Monday. Then, once every 2 months, they all meet for a networking event. His organization is called ‘League of Young Professionals.’ The target age for membership is 18 to late 30s. The idea is continuing to grow and now looking at expanding to the rest of East Africa.

Imagine what an honor it is for me and for WORLD OF INSPIRATION to get involved in this transformative cause? I am ready to offer full support to this revolutionary idea. Just like Phillip, reading changed my life. Most of what I do I did not learn from school but rather through reading. Many people can’t believe that I never studied literature as a subject at school and yet I’ve written a dozen books and my company has published more than 300 books for other authors! I have been able to avoid many fatal mistakes simply because of reading. Because of reading, I’ve conceived many great ideas that have pushed my dream forward. Reading is almost divine. It opens our minds to a realm of possibilities. While you are struggling with a problem, someone went through it, overcame it and wrote the solution in a book.

Because I know how much great books can change your life, I do all I can to invest a lot of money into writing, publishing and availing local inspirational books to the East African population. This is the very reason we organize promotions where you can get yourself the best books cheaply. For example, the whole of this week we are running a #Save50k campaign where we give you any 5 books of your choice at only 100k instead of 150k, thereby helping you save 50k. In stock, we have tantalizing books on money, business, investment, jobs and career, spiritual life, leadership, health, education, farming, personal development and so on. 

You only need to visit us at LLOYDS MALL Ground Floor (Entebbe Road Opposite Kamu Kamu Plaza). My team and I are there waiting to serve you. We shall give you all the information and advice you need and also help you choose the best books that will meet your needs. If you are not able to physically come, call me on 0704666851, 0779911844. I will still attend to you and even send you the materials you need.

How I love this! 9 months in my mother’s womb just to inspire!

#Bake aka #MrInspiration

The Trusted Source of Inspiration

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