Friday, November 21, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

I have had nasty experiences with debts before; if you haven’t had them, thank God, and after thanking him, learn about debts so that you may never be a captive. So keep reading this.

A debt can literally lock you out of society to the extent that even when you are with people, you are feeling alone. It can make you reach a point where you hide from people, fear to go to certain places and quake when you see unknown phone calls. If you are in debt or know someone in debt, read on.

There are 2 facts about debts that I learnt the hard way. First is that often we enter into debts either unknowingly or jokingly, taking it lightly until we realize we are in a pit that’s too high to climb out. Secondly, debts are progressive; they grow and the more they grow the more they eat into us—like a cancer.

Debt kills dreams because it cultivates fear—fear of tomorrow; the fear of what other people might say; the fear of embarrassment.... Debt kills vision; it makes you feel as if you are insufficient.

Debt promotes procrastination because it makes you focus on only recovering from it and forgetting about doing other things that would have actually helped you recover from it. So you will find someone dreaming of becoming a successful farmer, but has no time to find out the prices of land, someone hopes to start a restaurant, but hasn’t done any market research to come up with a business plan. Why? Because all focus is on getting out of debt.

So after postponing most action you keep waiting for one golden opportunity to land on a sack of money and majestically match out of debt, but that opportunity hardly comes. Surprisingly, most people I know who have overcome big debts never got big money and paid at ago; they took certain small steps but which were very radical.

As I thought about ending 2014 and starting the new year in style, I felt debt management is one of the ways in which we need to be helped. So I invited a lady whose testimony of overcoming debt has helped multitudes. I haven’t had any other that beats it in terms of inspiring the right action. She tells you from her own experience what works. She will be sharing with us how she overcame an unbelievable amount of debt that had almost sunk her life forever—at the Grand Finale of the Authors’ Forum on 3rd Dec, 5:30 – 8:30pm, at the National Theatre.

After, we shall welcome another powerful lady who has inspired me for a decade now – with her business acumen and Godly principles. Dr. Emma Naluyima is a veterinary doctor who is globally acclaimed for her innovations in farming. She has worked on President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s personal dairy farm to improve the genetics of his herd.  But what amazes me most is her entrepreneurial drive. Her piggery, green house fishing and banana plantation projects have captured global attention. That’s the lady that local and international media houses have been trailing. By the time she is done sharing her story, you will have realised that the resources you need to turn your dreams into reality are right beside you.

Call Bake on 0704666851 / 0712868424 and secure your entry ticket to this magogomus event at Shs 40,000.

The stories and testimonies by these two ladies are intended to help each one of us use this December (especially the festive season) to plan for 2015. That’s why the theme for the event is START YOUR NEW YEAR IN STYLE. You will have time to ask these ladies all the questions you have in your mind. That day you will be able to witness Latif Kasumba Madoi designing a dress in 4 minutes—live on stage. Latif he is one of the top 5 African fashion designers gracing billboards in Belligium, Amsterdam and Italy. You will also watch 2 other young Ugandans who have developed their talent to do incredible things—with just their mind.

And finally, we shall crown the event by launching WORLD OF INSPIRATION’S latest product—WI-Magazine, a pioneer inspirational magazine that’s going out to the entire region—Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Southern Sudan and DR Congo. Whoever buys a ticket to the event will get a free copy of this magazine.

NB: We have 7 slots left where you can advertise your business/products in this pioneer edition of WI-Magazine at only Shs 50,000.

Stay blessed and inspired!

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