Monday, December 1, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

I am not amused that after achieving all my new year resolutions for five consecutive years, this time round I’ve not yet achieved most of what I set out to do this year and yet I am left with just this one month. I am sure there are many people out there like me, who did their best but the results were not that encouraging. Well, there’s one thing we can do this December that could turn our 2015 into a year of wondrous results.

My message today is going to be based on that one thing I am doing this December; it could change your life forever. And that’s getting feedback. Everyone knows that December is the month when we have the festive season where we have enough time to reflect on the whole year, evaluate our achievements and failures and lay better strategies for the next year. With this secret I am revealing, this time round, we can do it in style.

There is a group I send a short inspirational message once a week. To ensure my message goes to only those who value it, I always delete from the mailing list anyone who spends a month without responding. However, I always get shocked to see people complaining and blaming me for removing them from the mailing list. Question is: “Am I an angel or a witch to know that you liked my message without you giving me feedback to let me know how the message touched you?”

If you want to succeed, learn to give and receive feedback. Your customer who keeps telling you which products were or were not good is giving you feedback. It could be your wife who keeps complimenting you when you are smart and rebuking you when you are shabby. This month I am taking feedback seriously so I can discover what made me fail to achieve some of my goals and what I can do to reverse the trend.

Ever sent a business proposal to someone who kept you waiting for weeks and weeks without saying “Yes” or “No”? There are people you write emails to and they respond by sending you forwards, most of which are irrelevant to your needs. They don’t seem to know that their email accounts have the ‘Compose’ function!

What of people you call and he says he is in the middle of something and promises to call u back and you wait forever? I must admit that there are times when I am under too much pressure that I fail to call back, but generally I always try to call back, except for perennial beepers (who never have anything serious to say after all).

Feedback is crucial even in the arena of love. Marriages have been ruined just because one spouse doesn’t respond to missed calls or the woman keeps telling the man “I love you” and the man just responds “Okay”! Eeeeeeh! And for the singles, imagine proposing to a lady and you wait for the feedback for a day, a week, a month, five months! You find yourself dying in installments.

Well, I want to introduce to you this man who often gives me powerful feedback that has changed my life. He is someone who was once a watchman and a waiter, but who courageously raised himself into an academic giant (with six degrees to his name), a globally celebrated poverty alleviation consultant and a real estate businessman. I am talking about Prof. Augustus Nuwagaba, who once graced the Authors’ Forum last December. This Wednesday 3rd December, exactly a year later, he will be returning to witness the launch of WI-Magazine, WORLD OF INSPIRATION’S pioneer inspirational magazine which has his journey as its cover story.  That will be during the Authors’ Forum Grand Finale, which will kick off at 5:30pm, at the National Theatre.

Themed ‘START YOUR YEAR IN STYLE’, we have a line of inspiring figures that we’ve been keeping for this moment to inspire you to do this December what will make 2015 a special year for you. The guests will include a lady testifying on how she overcame a nasty debt, a doctor who has propelled herself to international glory by building a powerful farming business using very little resources, a fashion genius who will design a dress in 4 minutes—live on stage, and other four surprise guests.

Call Bake on 0704666851 / 0712868424 and secure your entry ticket to this magogomus event at Shs 40,000. However, today (1st Dec) we have a juicy offer: 1. Whoever pays subscription today will have a 50,000/= discount. 2. Whoever buys a ticket will pay 35,000/= instead of 40,000/. 3. One who buys 4 tickets will get them at 100,000/= instead of 160,000/=.

Stay blessed and inspired!


Friday, November 28, 2014



He once worked as a watchman to raise school fees. Today, PROF. AUGUSTUS NUWAGABA is a globally acclaimed Poverty Alleviation consultant, advisor to the World Bank, businessman and lecturer. With 6 degrees, he is one of the most qualified intellectuals in Africa. He won the American Biographical Institute award and featured in the famous Contemporary World “WHO IS WHO”... (TO BE CONTINUED).

*** Read the entire article in the Dec 2014 issue of #WIMagazine. The magazine will be launched next Wednesday, 3rd Dec, during the Authors' Forum #GrandFinale, at the National Theatre, starting 5:30pm. Tickets go for Shs 40,000. Call 0704666851 / 0774107287.

Monday, November 24, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

I want to share about a habit that is transforming my work, business and life generally. I used to have big problems with managing my time and other resources. I would, for instance, leave home wanting to do ten things, only to realize it’s evening and I’ve accomplished only two or three.
I would move to town with money in my pocket only to return home with nothing more than transport fare. Like many other Ugandans, I would claim money passes through my fingers. I would set New Year resolutions in January and upon reviewing them in December I would find I didn’t achieve them and so I would again set them for the next year. And ugly cycle would continue.
In an attempt to solve my problem, I started drawing a plan everyday, specifying what I wanted to do, what time I’d spend on each activity, the required resources and what I intended to achieve out of each activity, in relation to my overall vision, mission and goals.
Wow! It started working for me. Fruits began to show. I also started sharing the same idea with other people around me and the results were amazing. It ended up giving birth to the famous Action Planning course that WORLD OF INSPIRATION offers to individuals and companies.
From that time on, I make a daily action plan for myself and also encourage my staff to make theirs. An action plan will help you prioritize your activities of the day and not waste a lot of time on less important ones. If you’ve been having issues with managing your time, money and other resources, I encourage you to try it out. Ever successful man does it everyday.
For those who will be attending the Grand Finale of the Authors’ Forum, on 3rd Dec, 5:30 – 8:30pm, at the National Theatre, I promise to add more on this issue because we want to ‘START THE NEW YEAR IN STYLE’ as the theme for the event goes. On that note, there is a lady whose testimony of overcoming a terrible debt has helped multitudes. I have invited her on that day to share her own experience so that the New Year we start in Style won’t end when we are in haunting debts.

Many people have not lived their full potential because they have been waiting for big resources, but some people have gone out of their way to start just with what they have and yet have big results to show. Again, on the same day, I have invited a lady whose life and success continue to amaze me. Dr. Emma Naluyima is a veterinary doctor who is globally acclaimed for her innovations in farming. She has worked on President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s personal dairy farm to improve the genetics of his herd.  But what amazes me most is her entrepreneurial drive. Her piggery, green house fishing and banana plantation projects have captured international attention. Both local and international media houses have been trailing her, but on 3rd we shall have an evening with her as well.

The stories and testimonies by these two ladies are intended to help each one of us use this December (especially the festive season) to plan for the coming year. You will have all the time to ask them any question you have about money, debt, business, farming, habits, planning and so on.

That day you will be able to witness Latif Kasumba Madoi designing a dress in 4 minutes—live on stage. Latif he is one of the top 5 African fashion designers gracing billboards in Belgium, Amsterdam and Italy. He fascinated the Authors’ Forum in October, and those present unanimously agreed that he returns on Dec 3rd. You will also watch 2 other young Ugandans who have developed their talents to incredible magnitudes. Their unequalled talent performances should challenge us to discover our own areas of strength so that we can shine brightest in 2015.

Call Bake on 0704666851 / 0712868424 and secure your entry ticket to this magogomus event at Shs 40,000. However, today (25th Nov) we have a juicy offer: 1. Whoever pays subscription today will have a 50,000/= discount. 2. Whoever buys a ticket will pay 30,000/= instead of 40,000/. And 3. One who buys 3 tickets will get them at 60,000/= instead of 120,000/=. Amazing?

Well, the event will climax into the launch of WI-Magazine, the newest inspirational magazine by WORLD OF INSPIRATION. In fact whoever buys a ticket to this event gets a free copy of the magazine.

Stay blessed and inspired!


Sunday, November 23, 2014


Picnics are wonderful
They are full of fun
A way to relax & enjoy life
A cool breeze & sunshine
What a way to enjoy the wild!

My friends and I had gone to a national park
To have an experience of out of this world
The anticipation of seeing wild animals in the park
Not the one we had during our field studies in the zoo

For a spontaneous person like me
Excitement was running from my mind down my toes
I jumped out of the vehicle that was taking us around
Not realizing that a lion was nearby, I stepped on it
It was asleep but woke up for a meal

I ran beyond the speed of wind to save my life
I immediately I ascended a nearby tree
Before I came back to my senses,
I was at the canopy holding tightly on the branches

Gazing at the lion in the eyes,
I was terrified to death
The lion spoke to me,
In a way that suggested that it wanted me to become its meal
It roared like Roarraaahrr !!!!
(Translated as "Come and I take you to eternity")

Well, the lion of inspiration, World of Inspiration - Uganda, has organised the #GrandFinale of the #Authors'ForumSeasonII, which will be happening at the #NationalTheatre next Wednesday #3rdDec, starting 5:30pm. Dabbed #StartYourNewYearInStyle, the event will feature the launch of #WIMagazine, the pioneer inspirational magazine in East Africa. There will be a live testimony from Dr Emma Naluyima, a lady whose farming has taken her to places, sharing with us how to tap opportunities in 2015. There will be another lady who will share a testimony of how she overcame a huge debt.

An entry ticket is Shs 40,000. This entitles you to a free copy of #WIMagazine. So call 0704666851 / 0774107287 or come to WORLD OF INSPIRATION (Luwum Street, MM Plaza, Suite T33). Today's offer is that anyone who buys 3 tickets pays only Shs 60,000 instead of 20,000. What an offer!

CREATED BY: Kusasira David
REMIXED BY: Robert Bake Tumuhaise

Friday, November 21, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

I have had nasty experiences with debts before; if you haven’t had them, thank God, and after thanking him, learn about debts so that you may never be a captive. So keep reading this.

A debt can literally lock you out of society to the extent that even when you are with people, you are feeling alone. It can make you reach a point where you hide from people, fear to go to certain places and quake when you see unknown phone calls. If you are in debt or know someone in debt, read on.

There are 2 facts about debts that I learnt the hard way. First is that often we enter into debts either unknowingly or jokingly, taking it lightly until we realize we are in a pit that’s too high to climb out. Secondly, debts are progressive; they grow and the more they grow the more they eat into us—like a cancer.

Debt kills dreams because it cultivates fear—fear of tomorrow; the fear of what other people might say; the fear of embarrassment.... Debt kills vision; it makes you feel as if you are insufficient.

Debt promotes procrastination because it makes you focus on only recovering from it and forgetting about doing other things that would have actually helped you recover from it. So you will find someone dreaming of becoming a successful farmer, but has no time to find out the prices of land, someone hopes to start a restaurant, but hasn’t done any market research to come up with a business plan. Why? Because all focus is on getting out of debt.

So after postponing most action you keep waiting for one golden opportunity to land on a sack of money and majestically match out of debt, but that opportunity hardly comes. Surprisingly, most people I know who have overcome big debts never got big money and paid at ago; they took certain small steps but which were very radical.

As I thought about ending 2014 and starting the new year in style, I felt debt management is one of the ways in which we need to be helped. So I invited a lady whose testimony of overcoming debt has helped multitudes. I haven’t had any other that beats it in terms of inspiring the right action. She tells you from her own experience what works. She will be sharing with us how she overcame an unbelievable amount of debt that had almost sunk her life forever—at the Grand Finale of the Authors’ Forum on 3rd Dec, 5:30 – 8:30pm, at the National Theatre.

After, we shall welcome another powerful lady who has inspired me for a decade now – with her business acumen and Godly principles. Dr. Emma Naluyima is a veterinary doctor who is globally acclaimed for her innovations in farming. She has worked on President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s personal dairy farm to improve the genetics of his herd.  But what amazes me most is her entrepreneurial drive. Her piggery, green house fishing and banana plantation projects have captured global attention. That’s the lady that local and international media houses have been trailing. By the time she is done sharing her story, you will have realised that the resources you need to turn your dreams into reality are right beside you.

Call Bake on 0704666851 / 0712868424 and secure your entry ticket to this magogomus event at Shs 40,000.

The stories and testimonies by these two ladies are intended to help each one of us use this December (especially the festive season) to plan for 2015. That’s why the theme for the event is START YOUR NEW YEAR IN STYLE. You will have time to ask these ladies all the questions you have in your mind. That day you will be able to witness Latif Kasumba Madoi designing a dress in 4 minutes—live on stage. Latif he is one of the top 5 African fashion designers gracing billboards in Belligium, Amsterdam and Italy. You will also watch 2 other young Ugandans who have developed their talent to do incredible things—with just their mind.

And finally, we shall crown the event by launching WORLD OF INSPIRATION’S latest product—WI-Magazine, a pioneer inspirational magazine that’s going out to the entire region—Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Southern Sudan and DR Congo. Whoever buys a ticket to the event will get a free copy of this magazine.

NB: We have 7 slots left where you can advertise your business/products in this pioneer edition of WI-Magazine at only Shs 50,000.

Stay blessed and inspired!

Saturday, November 15, 2014



By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

Three years down the road, Nyamishana was getting mad at Uganda’s education system. It had not taught her to create her own job; it had instead prepared her to look for a job, which she wasn’t finding. To her surprise, two of the girls she had completed with, who were even poor performers in class, had secured juicy jobs a month after campus.

Puzzled at the magic those girls had used, Kay furnished her with an explanation. They had accepted to sleep with their bosses. As Nyamishana continued to dig deeper, she discovered this was a common practice both in the public offices and in the private sector. Ladies were using their bodies while men were bribing to get and maintain their jobs.

“Even if everyone is doing it, that doesn’t make it right,” Nyamishana kept reasoning and because of this attitude, which she believed was the only right attitude, she never got a serious job. Those who hired her often did so for a small amount of money that could not sustain her in the city, and even then, most of them would later demand for sex or else she would have to quit the job. As expected, she always chose the latter.

As life became tougher and rougher, Nyamishana opted out of the single room she had co-rented with a friend.

As a graduate, she felt ashamed of going to the village to ask her old mother for money. “Abomination!” she thought. “The only remaining option is going to stay at Uncle Gerald’s home temporarily as I continue to hunt for a stable job.”

Gerald received her warmly and life went on until one fateful night when she felt a hand groping for her breast. She thought she was dreaming but on opening her eyes she saw a figure next to her.

“Someone help. Someone help me, please,” she alarmed at the top of her voice.

“There’s no one here to help you,” whispered a familiar voice. “Your auntie hasn’t returned from the village. It’s only you and I in the game.”

“Uncle Gerald, so it’s you doing this to me?”

Switching on the light he assured her: “We either do it here and now, or tomorrow first thing in the morning you pack your things and get out of my house.”

Nyamishana found herself taking the absurd option – seeking Ruth’s help. Against her advice, Ruth had married Timothy, a wealthy widower who was now in his late sixties. He had built her a mansion.

After sympathising with her over her situation, Ruth gave her a boys-quarter where she would stay as she “looked for her own husband to look after her,” as Ruth put it.

The four years after school were beginning to feel like decades. Wrinkles dug through Nyamishana’s beautiful face. No matter how hard she tried to devise means of changing her situation, she felt like someone fighting with a wall.

“But, Nyamishana, can’t you find a rich husband to end this misery?” Ruth kept nagging. Once Ruth started complaining you would understand why King Solomon said it’s better to live on the rooftop than to live in the same house with a nagging woman. You could think she was using your ear as her microphone.

Nyamishana began to feel the need for a husband, though not for the money as Ruth believed. She needed a man’s love to wash away the painful tears off her heart. That’s how Ben managed to snake his way into her life. Ben had watched her closely at the university, but she looked too good for him. Her character made her look like a ripe fruit on a tree that’s too high for anyone to climb.

After hearing of her situation, Ben connived with Ruth who introduced him to Nyamishana as “a distant relative coming from a humble and God-fearing family.”

At the advice of Ruth, Ben started accompanying Nyamishana to weekly prayer meetings at Christ The king Church. Soon, the two were becoming close friends.

When it came to the point of revealing his intention to Nyamishana, Ruth reminded Ben: “The secret to her heart is humor and poetry. If you can befriend Kay, the-Rib-Cracker, then you will be in the game.”

Ben went out looking for Kay until he found him at the bus park, working with Fly Coaches. Though Ben could see Kay was a drunkard, he could also see that he was undoubtedly a very intelligent man.

After buying him a glass of wine, Ben shot in the first question: “What’s the secret of winning a woman’s heart?”

“My newly-found friend, I advise you to stop trying to understand a woman’s heart if you want to remain sane.”

“I am already insane; there’s one woman driving me crazy, who happens to be your friend, Nyamishana.”

“Nyamishana? Are you sure you want to try this? She is a very principled and prayerful woman. I doubt that you will measure up to the task.”

“Look, we are already friends. All I need is to know which words to use as I propose a relationship with her.”

Kay sipped on his drink and warned: “A woman is like a rose flower, when you touch the wrong side you get pierced. She is also like a mobile telephone; when you touch the right button, you are connected, but when you touch the wrong button you get disconnected.”

“But now that I am with Kay, the Rib-Cracker, I am sure I will not touch the wrong button.”

“I will tell you how to pull the right strings and Nyamishana’s heart will dance to the melody of your music.”

Kay was added another glass of wine. “Now that you know her well, tell me some of the best lines I should use,” Ben asked. And for the next one hour, in between sips of wine, Kay gave Ben several pick-up lines and some useful information about Nyamishana.

Ben was not a bad student.

In a few days’ time he was already blowing her mind with sweet nothings: “Nyamishana, your other name must be Google because you have everything I’ve been searching for. You make me grow wings that fly me to another world. You make my heart dance angelic strokes. And I have a feeling that left by yourself on a day of load-shedding you can cause the room to shine since your face is like the noon-day sun.”

Ben’s humor rang bells of love that were too loud for her heart to ignore. For each joke he was gaining more ground in her life. Jokes seemed to have the power to evict all sadness from her heart. Perhaps she had never felt like this before. His voice seemed to open a door into a whole new world where she could reach the moon without moving and count stars with her eyes closed.

Love is like the smell of mukene fish; it’s not easy to hide it. Nyamishana now looked as happy as a campus girl carrying a paper-bag full of chips and chicken. The writing was clear on the wall. She herself admitted to Ruth: “At long last this is it. I am falling in love. Falling so fast that nothing can hold me back.” This was the best time for Ben to propose marriage.

“If I had the ability to fly into the sky, I’d take you along so I could watch you sit on the cloud and I would add your name on the colours of the rainbow. Today, the Igwe in me bows before the Queen in you. I wanna be your Jack Bauer when you are in trouble, your Bill Gates when you have bills to clear and your Salvador Cerinza when you need to be loved. Let me be your doctor, your pillow and your blanket. Nyamishana, marry me.”

With these words, a rare vibration ran through her spinal cord. Before she knew it, she had already surrendered her most treasured possession – the heart. By this time she had made up her mind or her mind had been made up for her. She accepted Ben’s proposal and soon marriage arrangements were in a high gear… (TO BE CONTINUED)

Well, well, that was another jaribu (tasting) picked from the unputdownable novel ‘TEARS OF MY MOTHER; The Success Story of Nyamishana, the First Female President of Uganda’ (a book popularly known as #Nyamishana), authored by ROBERT BAKE TUMUHAISE. A copy goes for Shs 20,000. Call Bake directly on 0704666851 / 0712868424 or Winnie on 0774107287 to have your copy of this amazing inspirational book delivered to you TODAY! Yes, in Kampala delivery is free of charge! You can also physically come and get your copy from WORLD OF INSPIRATION office at MM Plaza T33. Stay inspired.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

One day Kay narrated a story of a man from Kabale who woke up and went to wash his face, only for him to discover he was already dead. Kay’s schoolmates liked these fictitious stories a lot. Sometimes he would watch a boring movie, but then spice it up when narrating it so that everyone would think it was a great movie.

Kay was a darling to the girls at school because of his humor. One day, while the students were in class after a boring mathematics lesson, he stood up, pointed at a classmate called Patience and then asked: “By the way who said ‘Patience pays’? For the last four months this girl owes me the money she promised to pay for my jokes.” The whole class broke into prolonged laughter.

Kay talked about a certain man in his village who had a poor relationship with the Queen’s language. For that reason, he never drank tea in the morning because he had read a warning: ‘Don’t drink and drive’. This man would not kill rats at home because that was ‘Domestic Violence’. After a meal he would ask: “Bring me toothpaste,” to mean toothpicks. And on thanking people he would say: “Thank you for what have you done.”

According to Kay, a story went in the village that one day this man was told by his wife: “My darling, you are very charming,” and he retorted: “I have never been to a witchdoctor’s shrine, so why would you think I am carrying charms?”

The most popular joke regarded a man who got lost in Kampala and found himself standing along Market Street, just above the old taxi park, but could not locate the park. Then people asked: “Are you lost?” He answered: “No, I am not lost; me I am here. It’s the old Taxi Park which is lost.” And to make matters funnier, Kay would imitate how the man pronounced the word ‘lost’ as ‘rrrrrrost’, the way some people from Western Uganda speak.

Kay and jokes were as inseparable as Siamese twins. One afternoon, an old truck came to that school and filled the compound with exhaust fumes. As soon as he saw it, Kay came running and asked the driver: “Mr. Man, are you driving a kitchen?” Another day Kay saw a pig passing through the school compound and screamed: “Look pork is running away.”

Somehow, Kay had a way of unveiling the funny side of almost everything. He would make arguments like: “If money doesn’t grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?”

“English is a fake language,” he would argue, “How can you call something yellow Blue Band, a rare sense common sense, or a wet drink dry tea? How can someone who is pink be called a Whiteman and someone brown a Blackman? Isn’t it funny that we say ‘A man was kidnapped’ yet he’s a man and not a kid?”

Kay also had jokes about names: “Some Ugandans don’t think so much about the names they give to their children. You find someone who is so harsh yet her name is Mercy, someone very turbulent called Peace, someone who is always the last in class called Clever or Bright, and someone who is so light-skinned called Night.”

With Kay around, the word boredom didn’t seem to exist in the dictionary. He always had something to laugh about. One Monday, the students were doing a boring Chemistry assignment that the teacher had left. Kay stood up and said: “Monday is a bad day. The other bad days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.” The entire class laughed. He caught the attention of everyone with his great wit and humour.

Asked where his home was, he would say: “It’s the UK,” before clarifying that he meant ‘United Kigezi’. And asked what his dream career was, he always said he would love to become a veterinary doctor because they are allowed to eat their patients. Kay was so funny that his friends always said he could make someone laugh on his own funeral.

At school most girls liked him more than any other boy. They would find his poetry irresistible. Boys who wanted to impress girls would approach him for pick-up lines. So he would give them lines like: “Thy words fill all the emotional potholes of my heart! Aren’t you another angel that escaped from heaven? Which district of heaven were you living in before you were downloaded to install happiness on my heart?” And, “Didn’t your feet hurt when you landed from heaven?”

Nyamishana could never forget the very first day she met Kay when she had just joined the school. Kay had exclaimed: “Eeeeeeeh! Isn’t it illegal to look this pretty? Who created you? Did your mother bribe God? I have a feeling you were manufactured from the same materials as ice cream. That smile on your face speaks so many languages. Maybe I should always walk behind you with a receipt book, charging whoever looks at your smile! Do you feed on tomatoes only or do you iron your skin? It’s so smoooth!”

Nyamishana couldn’t contain herself so she burst out in a prolonged laughter. Her mouth was so wide-open that you could think dust might enter her lungs. She ran away towards a group of other girls, to share that experience. That’s how the friendship between Nyamishana and Kay began.


Well, well, that was just a jaribu (tasting) picked from the unputdownable novel ‘TEARS OF MY MOTHER’ popularly known as #Nyamishana by ROBERT BAKE TUMUHAISE. A copy goes for Shs 20,000, but today he’s giving out 2 copies at the price of one so that you can bless a friend with this amazing inspirational book. Call Bake on 0704666851 / 0712868424 or Winnie on 0774107287 to have your copy delivered if you are in Kampala. You can also find us at MM Plaza T33 and get your copies. Stay inspired.

Monday, November 10, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

In Buganda, it’s common to see someone seated or walking outside wrapped in a towel. In Kigezi where I hail, this practice so rare. Bakiga elders say, “Etawulo ekiita omwana”, meaning “The towel killed a baby.” A story goes that one day a man who was carrying a baby noticed that his towel was getting loose and let go the baby in an attempt to prevent the towel from falling off. In the process the baby hit the ground and died.

There are times in life when you have to choose between two good things. Like in the case of this man, both preserving the life of the baby and preserving his own dignity were important. I do not know whether his decision was a result of reflex action or whether he consciously dreaded the embarrassment of being seen naked more than the risk of endangering the baby’s life. Either way his choice cost him dearly.

As 2014 threatens to kiss us goodbye, there are many decisions we have to make. There are people who have saved some money and are debating whether to spend it on christmas shopping and visiting the village or to use it for something more important  and travel in January and instead. There will always be moments when you have to choose between spending and saving, eating and fasting, a posh wedding and a humble wedding, and soon on.

When caught up between two attractive choices, it’s my principle to always choose what seems more valuable for both the present and the future. For instance, I advise you to choose spending money on this one thing whose fruits will even outlive you. I am talking about ACTION PLANNING, a short self-discovery course that WORLD OF INSPIRATION shall be conducting starting this Thursday 13th Nov 20Fortune. This is the last intake we shall have this year.

Many people have been asking me how I managed to start a business with 50,000 shillings, how developed the vision for the Authors’ Forum, how I managed to sell close to 400,000 copies of one of my books, how I manage my time, how I got to be friends with the likes of Patrick Bitature, Emma Katongole and H.E. Bonney Katatumba. Well, #ActionPlanning is your answer.

In just 6 sessions spread across 3 weeks, you will get to understand the concepts of mission, vision, goals and objectives and how they relate to your daily life, work and dreams. By the end of the short course, you will be 100% sure of your purpose in life. Your mind will have been opened to the key habits and skills you need to fully realize your purpose and what you need to do daily to develop them. And if you are the kind that has always wanted to discover the secret of earning from your talents, gifts and passions, this course is for you.

At the end of the course, we shall equip you with a tool called an ‘Action Plan’ that WORLD OF INSPIRATION developed to help both individuals and organizations streamline the needed action points, day after day, year in year out. This tool will help you prioritize your daily tasks such that, should you fail to accomplish all of them, only the less important will be left. With this tool you will be able to slap procrastination. If you are the kind that leaves home planning to do a number of things and begin with the less important, only to discover the day has ended and the most vital ones remained, don’t hesitate to call Robert Bake Tumuhaise on 0704666851 to register for this course.

With this course going for only 500,000 shillings (though members of the Authors’ Forum pay only 250,000) you will have all the knowledge and skills you need to indentify and choose the projects, businesses or jobs suit your calling. By attending this course, you will be equipped to live a life that matters and discard all the things and people that don’t matter in your life.

Before starting to apply the principles of #ActionPlanning, I always did almost everything at the last moment. But today, I apply the concept of ‘deadlines’ (at WORLD OF INSPIRATION we call them ‘deathlines’) to everything I do.

In summary, the course goes for 500,000 shillings except for Authors’ Forum members who pay only half just like it is for all our courses. The entire course is covered in six weekly 3-hour sessions that are flexibly arranged at the convenience of the participants (mornings, evenings or weekends). The venue is Grand Imperial Hotel. Attendance is only by booking and the number to call is 0704666851.

Without action, all your dreams are nothing and without planning all your action can yield no results—hence, the need for #ActionPlanning. Come be empowered to make the toughest decisions in your career, business, investments, finances and life generally.

You will be blessed forever!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

Towakana! Few women know that men cannot easily multitask. If I am doing something on my computer and you insist on telling me the story you watched in that Spanish a soap last night, even if I am saying “Okay, yeah, uuuuh…”, it is obvious that I am not following and if you want to catch me, ask me which name you just mentioned. I will be like “What were we talking about?” Men, we are like that. When we feel what you are saying is important to us and want to pay attention, we stop everything else and attend to you; if we don’t, it means what we are doing at the moment is our priority. Not in bad faith.

Women don’t seem to understand that men are not angels downloaded from heaven to know all the secrets of their hearts. So a woman will be so hurt, angry, worried or swamped by any other devastating mood, but when you ask her “What’s the problem?” She says “I am okay.” When you probe further and ask “Are you sure you are okay?” she insists “Yes”. She’s saying “Yes” because to her it’s obvious that you should see the problem on your own. You should notice that she’s hurt – you forgot to call back when you found her missed call last month (NB: Ladies have a memory of 45,000,000 GB so she can even pull an instance from 1982 and use it against you in 2014) or you smiled at a gorgeous lady that you met at the supermarket last month (never mind that she is your prayer-group-mate. Ladies, please, we are human; we are not angles and neither are we magicians, so always tell us exactly how you feel and what you want us to do, and we shall do exactly that.

Women don’t seem to know that we also want surprises. So they will expect us to surprise them with gifts on their birthdays, Valentines’ day and any other day. Sometimes she can even mention exactly the gift she wants you to ‘surprise’ her with e.g. “Honey, today, surprise me with a Nokia Asha 215; I saw my friend with it and it looked really, really nice.” Eisssssh! We men also want to be surprised. For instance when you initiate sex, you have sweetly surprised your husband (sorry for those who are not married, consider this point rated PG). You can surprise us by paying rent at home or office. You can surprise your man by taking the car to the garage, if he has been doing it all the time. And, finally (I saved the best for the last); the best surprise you ca
n give to your husband is to call 0704666851 and buy two tickets for the two of you (at 40k each) and tomorrow Wednesday 5th November 5:30pm take him to the National Theatre to attend the Authors’ Forum where 4 titans will be engaging the nation in a live debate on TURNING IDEAS INTO MONEY. If you give that surprise to your man and he doesn’t like it, then continue to fight for the Domestic Relations Bill to handle such uninspired (actually expired) men.

Bake is the MD, WORLD OF INSPIRATION and the Founder of Authors' Forum in Uganda.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Darling Tomato Sauce of my Chips! Without you, I almost fail to breath, even with all this oxygen that’s abundant in Africa. You enrich my life with your ever-present and beautiful smile. I just wish to look at your face every morning as I wake up and in the evening before I rest my head. You are my wealth. With you in my life, the likes of Bill Gates and Sudhir are below my average.

Mujaaja in my chai, you are the answer to all my questions; in fact with you, I have more answers than questions. You are my Google; in you I always find everything I had ever searched for. You are @ in my email address and the only number in my mailing box.

Sweetheart! You have made my life superliciously outstanding. Because of you I have become the subject of envy to men like Obama, Clinton, Robert Mugabe and even Museveni himself.

When I first set my eyes on you I knew I wanted to be your keeper. To run for your heart more than Kiprotich could ever run for the gold. My love for you has grown exponentially and multi- purposely so much that no engineer or mathematician can measure its speed, vectors, diameter, radius or circumference.

I love, value and adore you more than a Munyankole values his cattle, more than a Mukiga likes ebiribwa, more than an Acholi adores his g.nut paste and millet, more than Amama Mbabazi wants to be President. I will always defend you more than a Itesot would ever defend his local brew (malwa).
Each day that passes, I pray to God to bless our relationship and bring us to the mountain of victory.

I don't intend to promise you heaven on earth, but as a sign of my appreciation for our love, besides offering my virginity to you (i.e. if u are), I promise to take heed, watch the sun rise above your head, slowly hold your arm against mine, walk you up the steps of Luwum street's MM Plaza to World of Inspiration - Uganda's suite T33 and get you a ticket to the 5th Nov MAGOGOMUS AUTHORS’ FORUM – a tantalizing inspirational event where we shall have a live debate on‪#‎TurningIdeasIntoMoney‬, featuring 4 top entrepreneurs who have earned billions from their ideas. This magnetic event will be happening at the National Theatre, starting 5:30pm. It’s just 40k and I have already called 0704666851 to book our seats! That day I will even ask you the big question: “So will you…?”